2018 Attendees

Delia Liang

Innocean Worldwide Australia
, Australia



Advertising can be frustrating.


Sometimes I don’t know what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. We spend hours, months and maybe even years to create something the general public may not even see or like. So why are we even doing it? Are any of us even making a difference?


I’m in a love-hate relationship with the industry. And I was in the “hate” phase right before the Creative LIAisons.


After? I realised the cynic in me was thinking about our work the wrong way.


Yes, sometimes people won’t see your TV ad. Some will hate your Billboard. But every “little” thing we do is all part of a journey to, when the time comes, create something bigger that will stop people in their tracks and make a real difference. 


“Communication isn’t about changing the world. It’s about changing a world.” - my boss said in a Statue Discussion.


Changing one world at a time with creatives all around the globe will, I believe, change the world. Weirdly worded, but I guess that’s one of the main things I learnt during the Creative LIAisons.


A giant thank you to LIA, my boss and agency, new friends near and far, all the speakers, juries and industry leaders. Thank you for inspiring us, and showing us that this industry has the power to make a difference in the world.