2019 Attendees

Jenny Luong

Associate Creative Director
DDB Chicago
, United States of America


After Creative LIAisons:


Creative LIAisons was an incredible experience. Overall, I really enjoyed it. The LIA’s really reminded me of the small bubble I live/work in. This industry is huge and it was so cool to hear/see everybody else’s perspective on creativity. It was definitely one of the coolest things I’ve done in my career.  


What I loved about LIAisons:   The speakers were amazing. LIA did an amazing job selecting the best of the best to talk to us. The speakers that stood out the most to me were the ones that had and showed us the process of how they got to the final work lessons. For me, the speakers I took the most away from were: Pum Lefebure, Matt MacDonald, Mark Tutssel, Lara Logan, Malcolm Poynton and Ralph Van Dijk.


Statue Discussions: Definitely the coolest experience of the entire week. I am so thankful that the judges allow us to sit in the room. I feel like they really care about teaching the younger generation of creatives (i.e. Mark Tutssel was very accommodating).  


Dinner & Cocktail Party: I loved that it happened after Statue Discussions, when the jury’s discussions were still fresh in our minds. I also loved that it was a standing event, because it gave people the opportunity to approach each other and meet new people all night.  


Flights & Accommodation: You made it super easy to sort this out with our agencies. I’m very happy that I didn’t have to pay for everything myself first, then have to get reimbursed a month later.  


I truly value everything LIA did for us and want to help make it even better. It’s an amazing program that is so beneficial to young creatives.


Before Creative LIAisons:


1.    Prior to being chosen to participate in this program, what did you know or hear about the LIA Creative LIAisons program?

I did not know anything about it until I was recommended by Ari Weiss to attend.


2.    What do you expect to get out of Creative LIAisons? What do you want to get out of Creative LIAisons?

I would love to get some insight into how an international jury aligns on a winner despite their different backgrounds and languages. I’m also excited to meet our industry’s leading creatives.


3. Who from the LIA Juries would you most like to meet/speak with? (https://www.liaawards.com/juries/jury/)

Judy John, Edelman Pum Lefebure, Design Army Kazoo Sato, TBWA\HAKUHODO Peter Alsante, BBDO